Workshops & Events

THE ISSUES IN THE TISSUES: Yoga for Stress & Anxiety $35
Something yoga has always known, and that research now verifies, is that our experiences in life impact our body, mind, and soul. Therefore, healing needs to incorporate all three as well. Enter the power of yoga!
ISSUES IN THE TISSUES: Yoga for Stress & Anxiety
Have you bought into the idea that you’re destined to be a chronically anxious, stressed-out person? What if stress and anxiety are expected outcomes of our overworked, under slept, sensory overwhelmed, under nourished lives? And what if there are ways to bring the mind and body back into balance and enhance our sense of wellbeing?
Join Kristen Kauke, LCSW and RYT to learn how to hack stress and anxiety through the mind, body, and daily rhythms. Through lecture, yoga, and meditation, participants will leave with tools to find balance that has a profound effect on their potential to experience happiness and meaning in life.
You’re not healing to be able to handle the stress. You’re healing to be able to handle the joy.

Our culture teaches us all too well how to punish and mistreat, as well as express the need to change and beat our bodies into submission. But what if we stopped listening to culture and started to listen to healing intelligence within?
Join Lisa Berke, yoga teacher and Ayurvedic specialist, and Kristen Kauke, licensed clinical social worker and yoga teacher, to try something radical:
Calm the mind and teach it to seek joy
Celebrate and even appreciate your body
Nourish your gut
Through lecture, breath, yoga, and meditation, leave with tools to heal the relationship with your body.

Something yoga has always known, and that research now verifies, is that our experiences in life impact our body, mind, and soul. Therefore, healing needs to incorporate all three as well. Enter the power of yoga!
Join Kristen Kauke, a licensed clinical social worker and yoga teacher, in a seasonal workshop that explores human experience and how yoga can support transformation.
First up – Yoga for Grief.
One can grieve the loss of a person, pet, partnership, profession, purpose, or plans. The loss may have occurred recently or in the distant past. No yoga experience necessary. But DO bring a yoga mat.
Friday, October 27 from 6:30-8:30 pm, $35
· Understand how grief impacts your human experience – body, mind, soul.
· Practice yoga to digest and assimilate grief from the tissues.
· Experience support of community in this healing experience.
“The way we deal with loss shapes our capacity to be present to life more than anything else. The way we protect ourselves from loss may be the way in which we distance ourselves from life.” – Rachel Naomi Remen
Prenatal Yoga Retreat $40
Yoga is a great way to support you in these new and exciting stages of life!
Join Kristen and Kaitlyn on this evening to shower you with confidence and knowledge to care for your Self and baby physically and emotionally.
Discover how yoga can support your body through and after pregnancy.
Understand how to differentiate normal emotional swings from mental health concerns.
Create lifestyle habits to support wellbeing.
Relish in a nourishing hour-long prenatal yoga practice.
This is a safe space for diverse gender identities.
Yoga experience not necessary.
Because we believe in connecting with the community, for this workshop we are partnering with Go With the Flow of Elgin. This local non-profit organization provides individuals living with homelessness and financial limitations with vital period products and toiletries to restore confidence and dignity. If you have the means, please consider donating the following on the night of the retreat: Maxipads, Tampons, Personal Wipes, deodorant, and underwear in girls through women's size. All styles and varieties are welcome. Underwear must be new.

Yoga & Ayurveda in Social Work Practice
This workshop will educate on frameworks from the Yoga and Ayurveda traditions, to improve mental health and empower participants to take an active role in their wellbeing. Participants will understand commonalities between this Eastern wisdom tradition and social work, and benefits in mental health practice.
Learn yoga’s teachings on systems for evolution of the Self, as well as functions of the mind, consciousness, and emotions.
Understand use of lifestyle and limbs of yoga (philosophy, poses, breath, meditation, etc.) for wellbeing.
Practice and integrate knowledge.
For more information or questions, email: cgosselin@luc.edu.

Yoga for the Mind & Emotions
I adore what yoga and ayurveda offer regarding mental health.
For 24 years I've been working in the mental health field. I’ve had a parallel love affair with yoga. I’ve been teaching yoga for 10 years.
I'm often fascinated that yoga said it first.
Yoga noted quality of consciousness before Freud.
Yoga demonstrated the impact of behavioral conditioning before Ivan Pavlov (karma, samskaras)
Yoga taught subtle body energy for wellbeing before Dr. Peter Levine developed his version of somatic experiencing for trauma.
Yoga has always offered a system for wellbeing.
I invite you to join me on Feb. 25 to learn what yoga says about the mind and emotions. Understand these tools to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Winterizing Your Wellness
Learn the wisdom of Ayurveda to winterize your wellness routine to help you feel more positive grounded mentally and reduced body aches and dryness physically and more energy all winter long!

Heart of Yoga
The Heart of Yoga is an enrichment study program for students of all levels who have the desire to deepen their knowledge and practice beyond what can be taught in a weekly class.

Autumn Wellbeing IQ
Drawing from the 3 Wisdom Traditions of Psychology, Yoga and Ayurveda, Kristen will lead participants through contemplation about mental distortions that could block their vitality during autumn.
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Previous Events
Autumn Wellbeing IQ: 10/15/21
Coming Out of COVID: 5/15/21

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