Guided Meditations
Stay balanced! Enjoy these pre-recorded guided meditations to assist you in a establishing a regular meditation practice.
Three Minute Pause
Take a short and relaxing break to find calm and catch your breath during a busy day. All it takes is three minutes!
Ocean Meditation
Mark Nepo reminds that the wave is not the sea. When the surface of life feels choppy, listen to this meditation to float in the deep.
Meditation for Contentment
Nothing needs to change for you to choose to relax. Follow this brief meditation to find contentment now.
Pause for Breath
You always have breath with you. Once you learn this practice, you can do it anywhere, anytime, confidently, on your own.
Nidra & Healing Visualization
Nidra is a sacred practice of restoration. Use this practice to rejuvenate on a deep level.
Appreciation & Gratitude Meditation
The heart is the greatest energy center in the body. This brief meditation will help you connect with the magnitude of the heart.
Relax More: A Meditation by Jillian Pransky
Jillian Pransky is a goddess of letting go and letting down. This may be the best less-than-two-minutes you spend all day!
Faith: A Meditation
Sometimes we need to cultivate faith. This brief meditation will help guide you into the sense of faith.
At the End of the Day: A Mirror of Questions
A brief, yet profound, contemplation to end the day.
Meditation for gaze and beyond
This 5 minute meditation has four parts. You will move from gaze, to noticing thoughts in the mind, to embodying sensation, to sensing the Self as a whole. This meditation will still and ground the mind, and develop a calm and clear inner awareness.
Integration & Grounding of You
In less than 5 minutes, this meditation offers an opportunity to ground into your body and breath.
Worry vs. Wonder
For just over 5 minutes, this meditation guides you past worry and into a mindset of wonder.
Meditation Primer
This 6-and-a-half-minute guided meditation will get you primed to begin or establish a meditation practice. Set right expectations, consider regular time & place, establish posture, soften/silence sense organs, cultivate breath, abide.
The fly that became my yoga/meditation teacher.
The opportunity to practice yoga/meditation can happen anytime in life. In a tad more than 5 minutes, this meditation guides you from a distraction in life to a lesson in letting go.